No other gemstone has ever matched up to the natural allure and beauty of the diamond, and probably with good reason. You only have to look back in time to discover how valuable these precious gems really are. After first being discovered centuries ago and revered by such famous historical figures as Napoleon, Queen Victoria and Catherine the Great.
The first instance of a diamond being used for jewellery (in Europe) was in 1074, when a Hungarian Queen’s crown was decorated with diamonds. However it wasn’t until 1477 that the first diamond engagement ring was made for Archduke Maximilian of Austria, which he then gave to his love, Mary of Burgundy. So sparked a trend for diamond rings being used as a token of love among nobility and European aristocracy, which has passed through the ages and, thankfully, became accessible to all.
Each diamond is as unique as the person buying it (or the person it’s being bought for), with Colour, Cut, Clarity and Carat Weight all needing special consideration before making such an important purchase.
Specialising in Pink and Yellow Diamonds, the team at Soklich & Co. can help you make the right choice, ensuring you’re happy with your diamond for many, many years to come.
Natural yellow diamonds have been prized by collectors for centuries. Although their alluring beauty has been noted in history dating back to the 1600’s, the popularity of yellow diamonds has significantly increased following the commencement of the Ellendale mine.
Ellendale offers the best yellow diamonds in the world and all stones come directly from the Ellendale mine, Kimberley Western Australia. Each stone tells a story that embraces its distinctive character, which means that no two yellow diamonds are the same.
From subtle primrose through to vibrant shades of canary, Ellendale yellow diamonds can be found in a wide variety of tones and saturations. The more intense the colour yellow, the rarer and more valuable the diamond.
Individual Ellendale stones are certified with laser inscription and a certificate of authenticity with corresponding numbers. Not all our Ellendale yellows are individually certed or Laser inscribed.
Extremely rare and breathtakingly beautiful, the pink diamond has captivated collectors, connoisseurs and royalty for centuries. Pink diamonds are unique, each possessing their own individual personality and character. The deeper and more intense the pink hue, the more rare, valuable and desirable the diamond.
Soklich & Co. are proud to be a retailer of these precious pink gems, sourced from the Argyle Diamond Mine, set deep in the heart of WA’s Kimberley region. The Kimberley is one of the wettest regions in Australia, not much desert.
The Argyle pink diamond is becoming rarer by the day, as yield from the mine gradually decreases. With this in mind, the Argyle pink diamond is the without doubt the ultimate in luxurious limited edition jewellery.
Soklich & Co. Jewellers are honoured to be celebrating fifty-five years in the industry and the team looks forward to many more years crafting the finest bespoke jewellery.